Living as an "Alongsider"
Have you ever wondered what a Disciple is? Simply put, a disciple is a follower of Jesus. So how do we define discipleship then? Discipleship is training people to participate in and accomplish the mission for Jesus. In other words, discipleship is training to learn how to love your neighbors while you're on mission with Jesus.
What might Discipleship look like in our modern world? It's not necessarily going door-to-door or being aggressive "salespeople" for Jesus! It's walking alongside the people we know who don't know Jesus yet. We "show up" for them through their joys, hurts, and troubles, and love them with our actions and words. When we do this, they'll see Jesus in us! As we build authentic relationships, our friendship and God's perfect timing allow us to share our testimony, our faith, and the Good News about Jesus! With God, all things are possible.
Want to join Jesus on His mission and become an "Alongsider" to others? This is a great start. You'll find content and resources here to fuel ideas and understanding about how to come alongside others and share your faith and the powerful hope and promises of Jesus with them.
Video: "I am a Furniture Maker"
Video: "This is Discipling - This is Church"
Video: "B.L.E.S.S. 5 Everyday Ways to "Love Your Neighbor and Change the World"
(watch from 5:00 through 9:50)