We're glad you're here!
You belong.
Join us every Sunday in-person for Bible Study at 9 AM, followed by fellowship at 10 AM and worship at 10:30 AM. You may also watch the service online at 10:30 AM.
Questions? Please call 407-322-3552 or email us.
2525 South Oak Avenue, Sanford, FL 32773-5155

You'll make friends here!
What are the people like?
Our church is a small and mighty group of roughly 100 members of all ages, gathered together in fellowship and love to worship the One true God. Because of our intimate size, you will have many opportunities to get to know people as we worship and serve together.
Our Pastor describes our members as the most “loving, kind, caring and compassionate” people you will ever want to meet! Our members are mostly residents from the surrounding community, ages 2 to 90. We are people who seek to make a difference in our community and be the “hands and feet” of Jesus. We hope you will experience the love and fellowship of Christ through His people during your visit with us.

Our members celebrated the dedication of the Garden of Hope to help feed hungry families in our community.

Pastor Ed enjoying a moment of fellowship as they dedicate the community garden.

Some of our dedicated congregation and garden enthusiasts taking a break from the hot Florida sun after a productive day of gardening.
Servant Hearts
What's it like to visit on a Sunday morning?
We begin our Sunday morning at 9:00 am with Bible Study for people of all ages. The adults meet in the Fellowship Hall where they discuss a wide variety of topics as well as books of the Bible. The children meet in the Sunday School room for a Bible lesson, crafts and games.
We enjoy fellowship time at 10:00 am with refreshments before worship.
As you make your way into the sanctuary for 10:30 am worship (or watch online here), you will be welcomed and by our members and given a bulletin for the service with announcements.
The service generally finishes by 11:30 am. As the service ends, Pastor DeWitt extends a blessing to the congregation and greets members and visitors alike as they exit.
Worship Service
Wegin our worship at 10:30 am in the name of the Lord and include the time-honored components of a Lutheran Liturgy, including:
Welcome and introduction
Confession of Sins and Absolution (we hear our sins are forgiven!)
Scripture readings
Hymns with organ and other instruments
A message from God's Word proclaimed by our Pastor
The Apostles' or Nicene Creed
Tithes and offerings
Prayers of God's people
The Lord’s Prayer
The Lord's Supper
Send off with a blessing from God!
Learn more about what we believe.

Our sanctuary is where we gather in worship with songs of praise and thanksgiving to our one true God from His people.

Jesus Christ is at the center of our Altar and our worship. His open arms extended are a symbol of His love and affection for us, and His undeserved forgiveness and grace.

This is one of many stained glass windows in our sanctuary reflecting the symbols of our faith and our deep desire to honor and worship God.
What about Communion and The Offering?
How does Redeemer handle Communion?
The Lord’s Supper is celebrated at this congregation in the confession and glad confidence that, as he says, our Lord gives into our mouths not only bread and wine but his very body and blood to eat and to drink for the forgiveness of sins and to strengthen our union with him and with one another. Our Lord invites to his table those who trust his words, repent of all sin, and set aside any refusal to forgive and love as he forgives and loves us, that they may show forth his death until he comes.
For more information about receiving the Lord’s Supper at Redeemer, please contact Pastor DeWitt at 407-322-3552.
How does Redeemer handle the Offering?
During the service, our members are given the opportunity to worship God through their gifts and tithes. The ushers gather the offering which is then brought forward and presented to our Lord. God wants us to give willingly, cheerfully and freely, and not out of obligation. He does not need our gifts! He wants and desires the heart of the giver and our response, thanks and praise for all He has done for us.

What should I wear and what about my kids?
What should I wear?
Dress comfortably! We welcome you to come as you are and dress in a way that makes you feel most comfortable to come into the presence of the Lord. For some, that might mean jeans and casual shirts, and for others, pulling out their “Sunday best.” Everyone is welcome!
What about my kids?
Kids are members of the family at Redeemer. We enjoy having them present as we worship as a family of faith. We make a special effort to ensure that they feel welcome and that there is something in each worship service especially for them. Our Pastor believes that the sound of children in worship is pleasing in God’s ears and should be in our ears, too.

Can I meet with the Pastor?

We appreciate your visit here today and we would appreciate an opportunity to get to know you better.
If you would like Pastor Dewitt to connect with you, please email him to schedule a call or appointment.
You may also call the church office at 407-322-3552 to schedule an appointment.